Sunday, January 8, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Sunday, 08 January 2017 Method: The Wild Wood Tarot Card Dawn: The Mirror The position of this card on the wheel of the year is the Autumn Equinox, which is about where my life is now in terms of years. The image on the card shows the figure holding both a mirror and a crystal ball, although it kind of looks like she’s holding the Moon. There is a Heron in the foreground with a pouch around its neck and a dead person in a boat, which seems to be anchored. The female figure is one of initiation and represents the unconscious journey of my soul as it seeks wisdom and deeper awareness of the universe. This is a journey I can not force, but can only seek. The shamans journey only begins after being wounded. My wounds are emotional and spiritual rather than physical, but I think this is more likely the type of wound suffered by the wounded healer, though others say you have to have suffered a near death experience. Never the less, the wound allows the soul to gain wisdom and the ability to become a healer. I find only frustration here as I am surrounded mainly by the dead. The Mirror’ purpose is for inner reflection and the illumination of the shadow soul, that which we don’t like to face, or even admit exists. The Heron tells me I’m not prepared to journey to the otherworld, but it hints at finding inspiration. The card as I’m so often told, requires that I am patient. I should trust in myself and workings of the unconscious may be revealed to me. This may be in the form of a dream, or meditation if I should choose to meditate, something I’m always meaning to do but always being distracted from. Now is the time to listen to what my soul is telling me, rather than trying to drive on with plans and desires, it is time to try and heal my wounded spirit and face the world and its challenges.

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