Saturday, January 7, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Saturday, 07 January 2017 Method: Le Tarot Noir Card Dawn: Reyne De Deniers Yesterday’s draw I got wrong. The weather actually caused me to postpone the photo shoot, but I spent many hours working on photoshop tuition instead, so still doing something I love and actually getting to grips with it this time. I intend to do more today, if I don’t do the photo shoot. Anyway, perhaps I’m too complacent, thinking I’m always right. Today’s card concerns financial or material matters. It, however is looking back to the past and it urges me to learn from the losses I’ve suffered, well I should say, we’ve suffered. Presently, things are relatively stable and that’s how they need to be. Use a better sense of intuition in any matter concerning finance, which may arise today. If the family ask about a shoot today, then go for it and that is money earned towards repair, or new equipment. Put it away where it won’t be spent. Try and be more content with what I have, it may be old, but still works and is sufficient for my current needs.

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