Monday, January 9, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Monday, 09 January 2017 Method: Russian Shakespeare Tarot. Card Dawn: Assassination of a King – 4 of Swords I don’t expect I’ll be assassinated today, but need to restore some balance in my life. Am I the King, slumbering in his bed, or the assassin, out to seize the moment, willing to take a chance, cold, deadly and cool. The King has sumptuous surroundings, he wears a crown in his bed, I feel that symbolises my higher conscience lying dormant, unawakened, yet the room is well lit, there are opportunities for learning, but it comes back to balance, balancing study with everything else and study I have to put aside for a while to take up other duties. I wonder if the potential model I’m meeting with today is a Scorpio. The assassin indicates the need to keep my wits about me. Can there be any feelings of jealousy about a perceived gain in popularity regarding my photographic work? I wouldn’t think so but maybe there are those who don’t wish me well.

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