Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Wednesday, 05 April 2017 Method: Universal Tarot De Marseille Card Dawn: The High Priestess She is called the Popess in Tarot De Marseille, but in this Universal deck they have used the English term. She certainly has a message for me as this is her third appearance in a week! She sits looking back on the past, the veil behind her shutting her off from the real world. On her lap is a book that will answer any question, but she isn’t looking at it, she just looks back with sadness at what might have been. The knowledge in the book is accessible to me but only if I make an effort. The knowledge also comes from the past but is ancient. The high crown of her hat may indicate access to a higher form of wisdom or intuition from a divine source. She has on an abundance of clothing in comparison with other figures in the deck. Only her hands and face are exposed, the rest of the body hidden, suggesting her influence is in the mind, not in the physical realm. Although she may be setting boundaries and be concerned about secrets, as much about her is hidden.

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