Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Thursday, 06 April 2017 Method: Dark Tarot Card Dawn: The Emperor The Emperor again, drawn just 2 days ago, I’m certainly getting something important pointed out to me. Again, in this image he is considering his past, what is to be learned from it. He’s relaxed, but not quite ready for action as he isn’t wearing any shoes. There is no sword again, but there is a sceptre (I called it a mace last time by mistake), it’s held resting on his right shoulder and the top is not visible. He has all the trappings of power and authority. The meaning of the card is strength, authority, security, power, wealth, charisma, virility, knowledge, and fortitude. The Emperor wields the utmost earthly power, and at the same time is a wise, intelligent, and often just figure. How does that apply to my life today? I have a degree of inner strength, which perhaps I’ll need. Security? Not really, not financially anyway. I don’t have any power as such, none that is going to help right now and I certainly don’t have any wealth by Western standards. All I can think is the need for more knowledge and fortitude.

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