Thursday, April 13, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Thursday, 13 April 2017 Method: Astrodice Dice Cast: Venus, Scorpio, 2nd House I’ve change the order of the dice to reflect better, how they are supposed to be read. First is the planet, which describes what is happening, next the Zodiac sign which tells how it feels and finally the house indicating the area of life effected. Or “What” “How” “Where.” Venus as everyone knows is a Goddess of love. It concerns anything to do with love, personal relationships, beauty. It is indicating a strong desire to be getting on with my art, in my case, photography. It points out that there is beauty all around me. However, work means I can’t follow my desire today and I need to accept I need a more balanced approach. Scorpio will show in an emotional manner. Venus in Scorpio indicates an arousal in the presence of mystery, intensity and undoubtedly by the dark side. I’m more likely to withdraw from social interaction at this time too. The second house concerns my immediate surroundings, personal wealth and resources. Venus in the second house show the importance to me of being able to buy things, which at the moment is a new lens. I have what I need to shop for it.

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