Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Wednesday, 01 March 2017 Method: The Dark Tarot Card Dawn: The Popess The figure of the Popess is of medieval origins and there were rumours about Pope John VIII being a woman. These rumours, which were most likely unfounded, were rampant among the people and contributed to the appearance of this popular figure of a woman pope, which we also find in the older tarot decks. She is the Priestess in more modern versions. The Popess card portrays a woman seated on a throne, dressed in a papal habit and holding a book containing universal knowledge on her lap. The face of the Popess is without expression and she is glancing straight ahead even though the book lies open on her lap, indicating that she need not look at the book as she already knows everything. This is similar to the Goddess Frigga, who knows the future of everything, but never reveals it. There is a veil behind her head, symbolic of being removed from the material world. The Popess card represents serenity, knowledge, faith and loyalty, values and moral rectitude. I’ve drawn this card after returning from an emotional journey to visit my mother in hospital in the UK, perhaps the serenity comes from the knowledge that I have finally been able to do so. It is undoubtedly a positive card and I hope it indicates an end to the misfortune I’ve been suffering and perhaps a healing for my mother.

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