Sunday, January 1, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Sunday, 01 January 2017 Method: Thoth Deck – Tarot Card Dawn: The Priestess. The Priestess of the Silver Star. Zodiacal trump of The Moon. Tree of Life: Path 13 joining Kether (Crown) to Tiphareth (Beauty) This is the first time this card has made an appearance since Friday, 07 November 2014. This Priestess deals with my darker self which was an issue back then and remains so, as no doubt it will do until my death. In this card the Priestess represents the Moon. This Priestess represents the Moon in her higher aspect. This aspect serves to join the human with the divine. The deities associated with this card are obviously lunar goddesses, virgin priestesses, huntress and the initiatory mysteries of woman. I had been directed towards the female deities and away from Woden and Tiw, who I had had most dealings with. That had been the situation back in 2014 but a transition didn’t occur, neither should it, as a balance is important, but neither should the Goddesses be neglected. Actually, all are being neglected really as I have been too preoccupied with the material world. The only warning is not to get carried away by my new found enthusiasm for photography and to maintain balance.

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