Sunday, December 25, 2016

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Sunday, 25 December 2016 Method: CBD Tarot De Marseille. Card Drawn: Ten of Cups I drew this card 16 days ago, using another TdM deck. Using this deck today with a touch of sadness as the creator of this beautiful TdM deck died recently at quite a young age. The last time I drew this card, I said that it indicated that my emotional development had peaked and was set for a change and that I needed to manifest my love in the real world and not just hold it in. I don’t remember any emotional changes that day but today and in recent years I’ve felt lonelier at this time of year when my wife has been working away. I’ve been quite irritable as well. This Midwinter day I should act with kindness and compassion, especially towards my dogs who were as they usually are, quite naughty when they are out walking. Cups represent the element of water and so this is on an emotional level and ten on the kabbalistic tree of life means the sphere of Malkuth which means made manifest in the real world.

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