Monday, March 6, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Date: Tuesday, 07 March 2017 Method: Ogham Ogham Drawn: Idho (Yew) Ogham phrases: Beautiful ancient – Oldest of woods. Enquiry, Discovery The Yew is a dark tree, but only because its dense evergreen branches shut out the light and its bark and berries are poisonous to humans. The needles it drops stop anything else growing around it. However, its strong, flexible branches were sought out to make that most famous on English weapons, the longbow. The Yew is associated with the grave and are to be found in many church yards, but bearing in mind the longevity of these trees, they often predate the building of the church and were perhaps the focus of the holy site where people gathered already before the coming of the foreign religion. The Yew is a symbol of everlasting life and where a branch touches the ground, it will take root. It can be both old and young at the same time. It was a sacred tree to our ancestors and remains so for many pagans. This ogham focuses on the spirituality of the night and the dark side of nature and hidden mysteries. It tells me not to be afraid of the dark side and indicates secrets. The key words, enquiry and discovery indicate the current state of my spiritual life. I should continue to seek and learn. Find the joy of new knowledge. Rather than the word continue, it should be re-start as my spiritual life has been neglected of late, certainly since my accident which has left me in constant pain, day and night.

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