Sunday, March 5, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Sunday, 05 March 2017 Method: Original RWS Tarot. Card Dawn: Queen of Swords. As I wallow in my own pain and misery, to which I can now add the Ryanair cold. I am reminded to think of my wife. She has much of the Queen of Swords in her character. She is an independent woman who takes a “no-nonsense” approach. Her forthright manner can make her seem unemotional, however, she has a strong sense of fair play with a good reasoning mind and excellent perception, so she has mastered the ability to put emotion aside to concentrate on logic and facts. Even as a married person, she continues to have an independent streak, which she has developed over the years and seemingly has no need to rely on me at all, to feel emotionally fulfilled or taken care of. She is happy and contented in her own right, capable of taking care of her own affairs and not emotionally needy. The Queen of Swords is simply a strong independent woman. She is very supportive when she believes I’m in the right and is a source of strength and will defend me. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind and there is usually a ring of truth to what she has to say, which can be unnerving at times. She is extremely well organised and efficient, her work may be a good indicator of this being in a caring environment, in which a strong leader that others can rely upon is required. She can be a person of sharp words, overly critical, intolerant and have the ability to cut people to shreds with her words. She’s not someone to pick an argument with and I avoid it at all costs. I wish she were here now though.

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