Sunday, January 22, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Sunday, 22 January 2017 Method: Anglo-Saxon Runes Runes Dawn: Ear, Beorc, Mann My mother is in hospital following a fall last night. Not sure how long she was on the floor, but the doctors have told my son to expect the worst. Wanting to know if that’s the case I asked about my mother’s condition. These are the rune verses for the runes I drew. Ear: Grave is hateful to every warrior When steadily the flesh begins, The corpse to become cold, to choose the earth Palely as a bed mate, fruits fall, Joys pass away, bonds of faith break. This is telling me in no uncertain terms that my mother is dying. Beorc: Birch is without fruit but just the same it bears Shoot without seed, it has beautiful branches High on its crown it is finely covered Loaded with leaves, touching the sky. She is without fruit. I am the fruit and I can’t be there. Her soul will depart for a higher realm, a beautiful place. Mann: Man is in his mirth, dear to his kinsmen, Although each shall depart from the other, For the Lord wants to commit, by his decree, That frail flesh to the earth. I think that’s pretty conclusive. I can do no more than wait for news now.

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