Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Wednesday, 18 January 2017 Method: Tarot De Paris Card Dawn: Justtice I’ve just been away for a few days to the UK, but didn’t want to advertise the fact. So, Justice. It’s spelled with two t’s on this card. I’m getting what I deserve today, good or bad. Well I don’t intend to venture too far, as its freezing cold. Yes, it does get cold in Spain. The figure on this card has two faces, one male and one female, both are blindfolded. The scales are not balanced, but rather tips from receiving in the spiritual realm to that of the material. The sword is in a guard position but is in the realm of giving spiritually. What I receive today on a physical level, I should give thanks for in the spiritual realm. The figure looks both to the past and to the future, reminding me that justice, or karma if you prefer is ever present.

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