Friday, January 13, 2017

Daily Draw

Daily Draw Friday, 13 January 2017 Method: Anglo-Saxon Runes Rune Dawn: Yr The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem verse for Yr is: Bow is for noblemen and warrior alike A joy and dignification, it is excellent on a horse, Steadfast on an expedition – it is a piece of war gear. So how does a bow apply to my life. What is a bow? Bows were most often made from yew wood, which is a separate rune and appropriately is linked to death. A bow allows a warrior to pick off his enemies at quite long distances, but it requires strength, speed and agility to use, especially as mentioned if used on horseback. A bow is stored energy. The energy is in its shape and in the flexible wood. It would seem to be a weapon highly thought of, as it was also used by noblemen. I’m lacking in the speed and agility section, neither do I have the skill to use a bow, though I have used one in the past. I do have skill in one area of my life which has been neglected for 8 years and which has filled me with recent enthusiasm. The energy was stored away and now is the time of its release and I should treasure it and look after it. Yew is a long-lived tree and this particular skill will stay with me until my death. Expedition wise, well yes, kind of and I shall take my trusty bow every where

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